On todayʻs show we catch up with Jake Muise cofounder of Maui Nui Venison and Brian Glazer, founder of Hohonu to talk about their companies, climate resilience and the Elemental Execerator experience…
During this special End of Year membership drive, we have Tiffany Huynh from Elemental Excelerator join us to talk about the latest Elemental Excelerator cohort 12 and the investments EEx is doing for climate change companies.
During our live broadcast, the phone lines are reserved for your show of support. We are looking for new members so if you enjoy our weekly tech talks, we hope you’ll consider supporting the great, original, local programming here on Hawaii Public Radio. Show your support by going to HawaiiPublicRadio.org or calling us at 888-536-4700.
First up, we have Cindy Knapman, Communications Lead at the Hawaii Sea Grant College join me to provide an update on ResilienSEA and Science by the Sea.
Then, we are joined by Tiffany Huynh, Director of External Affairs from Elemental Excelerator to give us some insight into the Inflation Reduction Act and how it benefits Hawaii.
Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, David Miyashiro, Jill Baldemor, Tiffany Huynh
First up, I want to let you know that Hawaii’s largest family-friendly STEM event returns in an exciting, free, interactive and virtual format on Saturday, April 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Ellison Onizuka Day of Exploration (ODE) presented by Hawaiian Electric is produced by The Boy Scouts of America, Aloha Council, and honors the legacy of Eagle Scout and Astronaut Ellison Onizuka. For more information and registration go to https://onizukaday.vfairs.com/
Then, we are joined by Tiffany Huynh, Director of External Affairs at Elemental Excelerator to talk about their 5-year plan and strategies to tackle the global climate crisis.
Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Michelle Cheung, Karina Hernandez, Juan Espinal
First up, this Friday, Sept. 18, from 10-11 a.m., Elemental Excelerator will host a live conversation with David Schlosberg, Enel X Vice President of Energy Market Operations, to unpack project results and discuss smart charging’s role in grid modernization efforts, electric vehicle adoption in Hawaii, broader clean transportation initiatives for utilities, and COVID’s impact on EV charging behavior.
Finally, we are joined by Karina Hernandez who teaches at Konawaena High and Juan Espinal who teachers at Konawaena Elementary and we talk about distance learning, Maestros Vibe and engaging students online.
Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Mark Kimura, Terry Crews, Aki Marceau
First up, Aki Marceau from Elemental Excelerator joins us with an update on the next cohort application window. Then, Mark Kimura from Oceanit and Terry Crews from Gabriel Cares, join us to talk about a novel application of artificial intelligence and machine learning.