Episode 665: Tardigrada: Claxtonia goni & International Collegiate Programming Contest – May 26, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Sam Gon III, Curt Powley, Brian Chalfant

First up, we have Sam Gon III Chief Scientist from the Nature Conservancy here to tell us about water bears (yes you heard me, water bears) and the new species called Claxtonia goni.

Then, we are joined by Professor Curt Powley and computer science graduate Brian Chalfant from Hawaii Pacific University, who are here to tell us about the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. Additional sites mentioned:

  1. The Pacific Northwest Region Programming Contest page: http://www.acmicpc-pacnw.org/ 
  2. Most popular site for solving problems to practice: https://open.kattis.com/

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 665: Tardigrada: Claxtonia goni & International Collegiate Programming Contest – May 26, 2021

Episode 664: GEER & Overwatch League Tournament – May 19, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Phil Bossert, Kyler Tandal, Sky Kauweloa

First up, we have Phil Bossert from HAIS here to tell us about the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Innovation Fund Grant. Application deadline is June 4, 2021. Find out more on this factsheet and application process.

We are then joined by Sky Kauweloa from UH eSports Task Force and Kyler Tandal from EMP Live Designs, who are here to tell us about the 2021 Overwatch League Tournament that took place here in Hawaii. Follow the UH eSports activity here.

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 664: GEER & Overwatch League Tournament – May 19, 2021

Episode 663: Mana Up + FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit – May 12, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Meli James, Laura Arcibal, Laura Kay Rand

First up, we have Meli James here to tell us about the upcoming virtual job fair happening on May 13, 2021 and latest ManaUp cohort.

Then, we are joined by Laura Arcibal from the Department of Health and Laura Kay Rand from the Hawaii Foodbank, who are here to tell us about the launch of the FCCʻs Emergency Broadband Benefit.

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 663: Mana Up + FCC Emergency Broadband Benefit – May 12, 2021

Episode 662: Workshop Coworking + Video Livestreaming – May 5, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Vicki Stepanenko, Shawn “Doc Rock” Boyd, KaÊ»ala Souza

First up, we have Vicki Stepanenko here to tell us about the Workshop Coworking space in Waialua in the historic Waialua Sugar Mill. Find them also on Instagram.

Then, we are joined by Doc Rock and Kaala Souza both innovative entrepreneurs here to tell us about Ecamm software, video livestreaming and the gear to make you look like a pro. Check out Kaalaʻs Workforce Development channel and Doc on Facebook.

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 662: Workshop Coworking + Video Livestreaming – May 5, 2021