Episode 787: Brain Machine Hackathon + Broadband Hoʻike – Sept 27, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Kyra Gautier-Dickey, Shola Kaiapo-Trevino, Jackie Kaina

First up, we have Kyra Gauthier Dickey, PhD student in Cognitive Neuroscience at University of Hawaii, here to tell us about the Brain Machine Hackathon.

Then, we are joined by Shola Kahiapo-Trevino from the County of Hawaii and Jackie Kaina, Executive Director at the Kauai Economic Development Board to talk about the Broadband Hoʻike, Broadband Hui, the Digital Equity Plan and activities in their respective counties.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 787: Brain Machine Hackathon + Broadband Hoʻike – Sept 27, 2023

Episode 786: NASA Apps Challenge + UH Innovation Program – Sept 20, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Roy Gal, Rebecca Chung, Tyler Ray

First up, we have Roy Gal from the Institute for Astronomy to tell us about the NASA Space Apps Challenge.

Then, we are joined by Dr. Rebecca Chung and Dr. Tyler Ray to talk about the UH Innovation Program and the Patent 2 Product Program.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 786: NASA Apps Challenge + UH Innovation Program – Sept 20, 2023

Episode 785: Indigenous Science Redux – Sept 13, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Katy Hintzen, Rosie Alegado

Today, we reprise the show called Indigenous Science. I’m happy to have with me today Katy Hintzen, Coastal Resilience Specialist at Sea Grant and Rosie Alegado Associate Professor of Oceanography and Sea Grant at UH Mānoa where she is Director for the Ualana ʻIke Center of Excellence. We talk about indigenous data sovereignty and the Indigenous Science Competition.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 785: Indigenous Science Redux – Sept 13, 2023

Episode 784: Citizen Rapid Response for Maui – Sept 6, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Leslie Wilkins, Alex Fielding, Daron Nishimoto

Today’s topic is about how private citizens in Maui’s tech community helped with Internet connectivity in Lahaina. With us today we have Leslie Wilkins, Executive Director at MEDB, Alex Fielding, co-founder of Privateer and Daron Nishimoto from EO Solution here to talk about how they helped to enable Internet connectivity and communications for the survivors of the Maui fire.

To support the recovery efforts on Maui go to MauiStrong.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 784: Citizen Rapid Response for Maui – Sept 6, 2023