Episode 665: Tardigrada: Claxtonia goni & International Collegiate Programming Contest – May 26, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Sam Gon III, Curt Powley, Brian Chalfant

First up, we have Sam Gon III Chief Scientist from the Nature Conservancy here to tell us about water bears (yes you heard me, water bears) and the new species called Claxtonia goni.

Then, we are joined by Professor Curt Powley and computer science graduate Brian Chalfant from Hawaii Pacific University, who are here to tell us about the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. Additional sites mentioned:

  1. The Pacific Northwest Region Programming Contest page: http://www.acmicpc-pacnw.org/ 
  2. Most popular site for solving problems to practice: https://open.kattis.com/

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Episode 665: Tardigrada: Claxtonia goni & International Collegiate Programming Contest – May 26, 2021

Episode 306: Crowdsourcing the fight against Invasive Plants – July 9, 2014


Joining us today is William Hozey to tell us about the International VEX Robotics Summer Games. Then we have Lihla Noori from the Hawaii Conservation Alliance to tell us about the Conservation Conference called “Navigating Change in the Pacific Islands”. Finally, we’ll find out how the Nature Conservancy leverages the crowd and technology to find invasive species in a program called the Hawaii Challenge.

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