First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then Ryan will give us an update on Comic Con. Finally, Franklin Allaire Science Teacher at Kalani High School and Carrie Demott from Maui Prep Academy will tell us about the Hawaii State Science Olympiad.
Category: Podcasts
Episode 101: Internet Safety (rebroadcast) – July 21, 2010
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear from Russell Castagnaro about several new eGov web services. Finally, we have a special rebroadcast of one of our favorite shows on Internet Safety featuring Arnold Laanui from the FBI, and David Bower from ALTRES which aired back in May.
Episode 100: Nanotechnology (July 14, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear from Michal Anne Rogondino about her new iPhone app called Shaky Planet. Finally, Vinod Veedu (aka Dr. V) from Oceanit and Keiki-Pua Dancil from the Hawaii Science & Technology Council will join us to talk about nanotechnology.
Episode 99: PaCES (July 7, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear from Charles King from the State Public Library about borrowing electronic books. Finally, natural science professor Dave Krupp and Rob Hutchison, will walk us through their Pacific Center for Environmental Studies program at Windward Community College.
Episode 98: Living by Numbers (June 30, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear from Dave Kozuki from People Bridge about the launch of Our Town 808. Finally, personal informatics enthusiast Bob Lew and Dr. Joe Humphry from the Telehealth Research Institute, will walk us through gadgets and services designed to pave a path to fitness with technology.
Episode 97: Extreme Hacking (June 23, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear about Consolidated Theater’s latest move to draw moviegoers with a bigger screen and bigger sound with their new theater, Titan XC. Finally, we’ll talk about computer security and “ethical hacking” with Gregston Chu from Ernst and Young and Jason Martin from Secure DNA.
Episode 96: Search Engine Optimization (June 16, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear about the upcoming TechHui conference from one of its presenters, Dr. Ken Cheung from Oceanit. Finally, we’ll talk about Search Engine Optimization with Consultant Rob Bertholf and Joe Segal, Online Marketing Manager for Hawaii Real Estate Brokerage Prudential Locations.
Episode 95: Solar Decathlon (June 9, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll talk to Michael Smith who is in town laying the groundwork for the upcoming Cirque Du Soleil show Alegria. Finally, we’ll talk about University of Hawaii’s entry in the Solar Decathlon with architect David Rockwood and professor Dave Garmire.
Episode 94: Hawaii Space Flight (June 2, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we talk to Rob Bertholf about a workshop he’s conducting on Social Media Marketing. Finally, we talk about Hawaii’s opportunities in space with Pete Mouginis-Mark from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetology and Brian Shiro from
Episode 93: Internet Safety (May 26, 2010)
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll talk to Amy Larsen-Kirkpatrick to tell us about an upcoming Cybersecurity workshop. Finally, Arnold Laanui from the FBI and David Bower from Altres talk about personal and professional conduct on the web. You can download the white paper: Social Media and the Workplace here.