Episode 329: Cyber Security – Dec 17, 2014


Joining us today is Tiffini Hunt from Verizon to tell us about their recent mobile device survey. Then we have Sandy Park from the High Tech Development Corp to tell us about the annual Holiday Tech Fair.

Verizon Holiday Survey Graphic 2014

Finally, we’ve invited Jodi Ito, Information Security Officer at UH and Motohiro Tsuchiya, visiting scholar at East West Center specializing in cyber security. We’ll talk about the growing concern over cyber attacks.

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Episode 101: Internet Safety (rebroadcast) – July 21, 2010

First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll hear from Russell Castagnaro about several new eGov web services. Finally, we have a special rebroadcast of one of our favorite shows on Internet Safety featuring Arnold Laanui from the FBI, and David Bower from ALTRES which aired back in May.

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