On todayʻs show we have Sally Wentworth, President and CEO of the Internet Society and the Internet Society Foundation. She join us to talk about the ISOC priorities for ISOC in 2025, building a resilient, reliable, and affordable Internet.
Episode 585: Internet Society Indigenous Connectivity Summit #2019ics – Nov 13, 2019

Today we are onsite in Hilo at HaleÊ»Ålelo, the University of HawaiÊ»i at Hilo’s Ka Haka Ê»Ula O KeÊ»e likÅlani College of Hawaiian Language. First up, we are joined by Matt Rantanen from the Southern California Tribal Digital Village and Mariel Triggs from Muralnet, to talk about the Internet Society and the 2019 Indigenous Connectivity Summit. Then, I am happy to have Dennis ‘Bumpy’ Kanahele from the Nation of Hawaii and Havasupai Tribe Councilwoman Ophelia Watahomigie-Corliss on the program to talk about community networks and self determination.
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