Today, we reprise a show we did with Donavan Kealoha and Tom Toy, both Managing Directors at Startup Capital Ventures. Donavan is also one of the founders of local nonprofit Purple Maia. Together we find out about their new SBI fund and talk about building the startup ecosystem in Hawaii.
Tag: Purple Maia
Episode 795: Hawaiian Telcom Digital Equity Awardees + Build4Good Hackathon Redux – Nov 22, 2023

First up, we talk to Joy Ibarra, Sr. Community Relations Manager from Hawaiian Telcom about their Digital Equity grant awardees.
Then, we reprise a show we did with David Pickett, Chief Technology Officer from Purple Maia to talk the Build4Good hackaton.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 792: Hawaiian Telcom Digital Equity Awardees + Build4Good Hackathon – Nov 1, 2023

First up, we have Joy Ibarra, Sr. Community Relations Manager from Hawaiian Telcom to tell us about their Digital Equity grant awardees.
Then, we are joined by David Pickett, Chief Technology Officer from Purple Maia to talk the Build4Good hackaton.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 725: Purple Maia Hackathon + EPSCoR Climate Resilience – July 20, 2022
First up, we have Keoni DeFranco, Entrepreneur In Residence at Purple Maiʻa here to tell us about an upcoming Hawaiians in Technology + Purple Maiʻa Hackathon 2022.
Then, we are joined by Gwen Jacobs, Co-Director of the Hawai‘i Data Science Institute and Director of Cyber Infrastructure and Phil Johnson Professor of Information and Computer Science to talk about a new EPSCoR project from the National Science Foundation to leverage data science to better prepare for climate resilience.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher.
Episode 717: Purple Maia + Mana Up Pop Up – May 25, 2022
First up, we have Naomi Yoshida from Purple Maia to tell us about their upcoming Grit and Grinz event coming up this weekend on May 28th.
Then, we are joined by Meli James, co-founder of Mana Up, whoʻs brought a couple of companies, Chloe Blake from Kauai Sweet Shoppe and Ben Lillibridge from Malama Mushrooms, to talk about the pop-up retail site at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, their respective startups and Cohort 7.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 669: Foundher + Beyond Van Gogh – June 23, 2021
First up, we have Darien Siguenza Program Manager at Purple Maia here to tell us about a new entrepreneurial accelerator program for women called Foundher. Applications for cohort #1 are open until July 1, 2021.
Then, we are joined by Mathieu St-Arnaud from Normal Studios in Montreal, Quebec, whoʻs here to tell us about the tech behind the upcoming Beyond Van Gogh Honolulu production happening at the Hawaii Convention Center on July 2 to Aug 15, 2021.
If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 630: AFCEA STEM Grants + Purple Maia – Sept 23, 2020

First up we have Sanford Ching, Director of AFCEA, and he’s here to tell us about AFCEA’s STEM grants.
Then we have Alec Wagner, Director of Purple Prize and Kilo Hoku, Preston Tran, co-founder of Box Farm Labs and Joshua Parker recently won the Kipuka Innovation Challenge with Hawaiian Hydropower, talk about native culture and tech innovation. As an added note, Kilo Hoku is taking place this Saturday, Sept 26 and you are all welcome to join. Register for the event here.
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Episode 626: Purple Maia Salesforce + Next Century Cities Digital Equity – Aug 26, 2020

First up, the next installment of the Manoa Heritage Center’s Virtual Kahaukani Conversations features guest speaker is Dr. Sam ‘Ohu Gon III who will be discussing the similarities and differences between Hawaiian and Western knowledge systems, and the future of collaborative knowledge and sharing to benefit us all. It’s free and takes place on Thursday, August 27, time: 5:00 pm. It’s free, register here.
Next we welcome Keahi Selhorst from Purple Maia, here to tell us about an opportunity to up skill Salesforce Certification Training. Don’t delay, registration closes on Friday, August 28.
Then we’re joined by Francella Ochillo from Next Century Cities to talk about digital equity, digital inclusion and why the US needs to rethink its policy of digital access.
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Episode 599: HVCA Entrepreneur Awards + Purple MaiÊ»a, Indigenous Innovation – Feb 19, 2020

First up, I want to let you know about the Spring break Altino Coding training for teachers. There are two 3-day 3-credit introduction to coding workshop for teachers, during spring break starting March 16 for the Campbell Kapolei Complex and Maui Complex starting March 19th. There are only 30 seats per 3 day training. Teacher can take the class for 3 credits. They can sign up via the Dept of Education’s professional development PDE3 website – search for “Altino”. Mahalo to sponsors Kamehameha Schools, Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation, Toyota Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii legislature so teachers can attend for only $25 for a 3-day 3-credit class. Sign up here before it fills up.
Then, Meli James from the Hawaii Venture Capital Association joins us to tell us about the upcoming HVCA Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Finally, we’re joined by Alec Wagner from Purple Prize and Manu Mei-Singh from Purple MaiÊ»a, to talk about Ka Maka Ê»Inana, Purple Prize Application 2020 and Indigenous Innovation. Stay tuned to the Purple MaiÊ»a Instagram for updates on youth JavaScript Class and for the Purple MaiÊ»a Summer Programs:
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Episode 572: XR Meetup + Impact Hub – Aug 14, 2019

First up, the Indigenous Technology Prototype Showcase is taking place on Saturday, August 17, 2019 at the Impact Hub. You will be able to check out 12 technology concepts creating value for our community and the Ê»Äina.
Then we have Sherrie Richman on the show to talk about XR and the XR Meetup Group. Finally, we have Anne Weber from the Impact Hub Honolulu to talk about coworking in Hawaii, how the space has evolved and Impact Hubʻs expansion plans.
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