Episode 356: Podcasting 2015 – June 24, 2015


Kicking off this hour, we’ll hear first-hand from organizers of three special events coming up in the next few days. Meli James from the Hawaii Venture Capital Association returns to tell us about tomorrow’s Women in Tech panel. Then Dave Raatz from the Maui County Council joins us by phone to tell us about the annual Hawaii State Association of Counties conference. Then, Dave Ulrich from Pacific New Media joins to fill us in about this weekend’s f808 Photo Hawaii festival. Finally, after the break, we’ll dedicate the rest of the show to explore the resurgence of podcasting. Has ‘the next big thing’ been going strong all along? Here to talk about it is Todd Cochrane from Geek News Central, Blubrry and RawVoice, and Kimi Morton from Hot Better Pop.

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