Episode 823: Hawaiʻi’s Digital Economy Study – June 5, 2024

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Pat Loui

On todayʻs show we talk with Pat Loui, Founder and CEO of Omnitrak, about the recently commissioned DBEDT’s Digital Economy Study. We talk about how the categories of the digital economy, based on the Bureau of Economic Analysis, are distributed throughout Hawaiʻi.

The Digital Economy Study aimed to understand the state’s digital economy, its contributions to businesses, and opportunities for growth. The study revealed that 51% of Hawaii’s private businesses are involved in the digital economy, with e-commerce being the most prominent area, and the neighbor islands showing optimism for future growth in the digital economy.

Episode 823: Hawaiʻi’s Digital Economy Study – June 5, 2024

Episode 668: Box Jelly 10th Anniversary + Hawaii’s Digital Economy – June 16, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Rechung Fujihira, Michelle Cheung, Deena White Tearney

First up, we have Rechung Fujihira from the Box Jelly to tell us about their 10th year anniversary. A big congratulations to the Box Jelly for meeting such an important milestone.

Then, we are joined by Michelle Cheung from the TRUE Initiative and Deena White Tearney from Pacific Point, who are here to tell us about advancing the digital economy in Hawaii and an upcoming event called Invest in Hawaii’s Digital Economy happening on June 23, 2021.

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 668: Box Jelly 10th Anniversary + Hawaii’s Digital Economy – June 16, 2021