On todayʻs show we have Dotty Kelly-Paddock, President and Mona Curry, Emergency Manager, Board Member and Consultant of Hui o Hauula a nonprofit supporting equity and community resilience in the Ko`olauloa area on the island of Oahu. Dotty and Mona join me to talk about disaster preparedness and building a resilient network.
Category: Uncategorized
Episode 861: Digital Design at the Dept of Education – Feb 21, 2025
On todayʻs show we have Brett Tanaka, Computer Science Educational Specialist, Miki Cacace, State Office Teacher in Computer Science and Dr. Michael Ida, math and computer science teacher at Kalani High School and weʻre here to talk about the Digital Design Team at the Department of Education.
Episode 808: Cyber Safe Seniors – Feb 21, 2024
On todayʻs show we catch up with Esther Chan from Cyber Safe Seniors to find out how cyber security is critically important for our kupuna. We also talk about the nonprofit formation, Go Cyber Safe and the video series which started it all.
Episode 782: Innovation to Scale Up – August 23, 2023
Before we get started I want to share this announcement about HPR’s commitment to supporting Maui relief efforts. There will be a 2-day fundraising campaign on the air this Thursday, August 24 and Friday, August 25. To show your support please go to the campaign and donation page at https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/mauistrong. We here at Hawaii Public Radio truly thanks you.
Today’s topic is called Scaling your Innovation. I’m happy to have with me Cindy Matsuki from HTDC and Ian Kitajima from PICHTR to talk about Innovation to Scale Up, an event happening on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at the Entrepreneur Sandbox.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 780: Residence for Innovative Student Entrepreneurs Redux – August 9, 2023
This week we reprise our conversation about an innovated student residency called RISE or Residence for Innovative Student Entrepreneurs. We welcome to the show, Sandra Fujiyama, the Executive Director of PACE, Michael Lam, Senior VP for Development for at Hunt and John Han, CFO from UH Foundation.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 729: ʻIolani’s E-Hawk Glider Aircraft – Aug 17, 2022
This week we’ll jump right into our conversation about E-Hawk. We welcome Martin Emde, ʻIolani School Sullivan Center Project Engineer and Mariko Storey, recent graduate, now a sophomore at Princeton University. Theyʻre both here to tell us about building the E-Hawk an electric powered glider aircraft.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher.
Episode 709: Hogan Entrepreneurial Leadership Program – March 30, 2022
During this special membership campaign edition, we have Roy Panzarella here to talk about the Hogan Entrepreneurial Leaders Program at Chaminade University.
During our live broadcast, the phone lines are reserved for your show of support. We are looking for new members so if you enjoy our weekly tech talks, we hope you’ll consider supporting the great, original, local programming here on Hawaii Public Radio. You can show your support by going to HawaiiPublicRadio.org or calling 888-536-4700 to become a member.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode 541: Preview of PTC – Jan 9, 2019

This week was a rebroadcast of the show we did on Dec. 26, 2018. First, we hear from Ruby Menon and BJ Fogg, about the upcoming Behavior Design Lab office hours on January 11, 2019. Then, we hear from Jenifer Sunrise Winter about the evolving field of broadband communications and the upcoming Pacific Telecommunication Council Annual Conference.
Episode 169: R.A.P.I.D.S. – Nov 9, 2011
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then we’ll talk to Jay Fidell about the Think Tech and HVCA Entrepreneurs awards for 2011. Finally, we’ll hear from the Hawaii Technology Development Venture about a recent collaboration among several of Hawaii’s technology companies called RAPIDS, Remote Adaptable Perimeter Intrusion Detection System.
Episode 149: Commercial Aquaculture – June 22, 2011
First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us is John Wang from Ikayzo here to tell us about the Google Technology Users Group. Finally, we’ll get an update on Hawaii’s commercial aquaculture industry with Todd Low from the Dept of Agriculture and Bill Spencer from Hawaii Oceanic Technology.