Episode 67: Aquaculture and Second Life (Nov. 25, 2009)

After the headlines, Janie Archuleta will tell us about an upcoming class she is doing on Joomla. Then, Benny Ron and Sam Joseph from the Univ. of Hawaii will join us to talk about the aquaculture program at UH, and how the virtual reality environment of Second Life is enhancing the curriculum. For more information, visit AquacultureHub.org.

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Episode 65: Technology in Language Education (Nov. 11, 2009)

After the headlines, Bill Spencer will join us to tell us about the upcoming the 2nd Annual HVCA Entrepreneurial Awards. Then, Gilberte Furstenberg from MIT and Stephen Tschudi from UH will join us to talk about Cultura and the use of technology in language education.

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Episode 64: Biomedical Research (Nov. 4, 2009)

After the headlines, Bob Furukawa and a student from Aikahi Elementary School will join us to tell us about the upcoming First LEGO League Robotics competition. Then, David Clements from Hawaii Biotech and Bruce Stevenson from the Pacific Health Research Institute will join us to talk about biomedical research and life sciences development in Hawaii.

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Episode 62: Laser Energy Works (Oct. 21, 2009)

After the headlines, Jay Fidel from Think Tech Hawaii tells us about an upcoming tech event called Rebuilding in 2010. We then talk to Les Iczkovitz and Nalani Manwarring from Laser Energy Works about low-level laser treatments for pain relief and non-invasive body sculpting. This show was broadcast during the fall pledge drive, and is therefore abbreviated.

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Episode 60: Intellectual Property (Oct. 7, 2009)

After the headlines, Robert Hirokawa from the Department of Health tells us about the Hawaii Health Matters dashboard. Then, Greg Kim from Virtual Law Partners and Jonathan Roberts from the UH Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development (OTTED) will join us to talk about intellectual property.

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Episode 59: Social Media in the Military (Sept. 30, 2009)

After the headlines, Bee Leng Chua talks about her new role at HiBeam. Then, Capt. Jeff Breslau and Lt. Commander Chuck Bell from PACOM join us to talk about social media in the military.

In the News:

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Episode 58: Broadcast News and Social Media (Sept. 23, 2009)

After the headlines, Vu Bui of The Bui Brothers tells us about a “Photo Fusion” workshop. Then, Jared Kuroiwa of KGMB9 joins us to discuss how technology and social media are transforming the television newsroom.

In the News:

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Episode 56: 4G Broadband Wireless (Sept. 9, 2009)

During our news segment Glen Nakafuji from Oceanit talked about their newly awarded National Transportation Safety project. The project has a broad scope and requires the company to hire project managers and technical staff. If you are looking for a job at a very progressive technology company, you should check out Oceanit’s job postings.

Bytemarks Cafe - Sept. 9, 2009Ray Kakuda from Clearwire was on to give us an update on 4G Broadband Wireless service. Clearwire is rolling out WiMax in their key markets across the country. On Nov. 1st Honolulu will start to get commercial WiMax. Access speeds are reported to be comparable to cable modem and DSL rates, multi-meg downloads and 1 meg upload. We will report back actual speeds once we get our hands on the actual service.

And now the News:

  1. Hawaii tax credit program cost state $1.29 billion through 2008
  2. Expedition to extinct Papua New Guinea volcano unearths new species Here is a video of the giant rat talked about in the article. There was a YouTube video but that is evidently no longer available. This video is a photo sampling of the variety of new species found on the expedition.
  3. Further study on irradiator ordered To follow the trail of produce like papaya from local farmer to out of state markets is very interesting and probably not fully appreciated. In order to sell produce to out of state markets, Hawaii needs to 1) eradicate all the fruit flies or 2) thoroughly clean the produce. Mike Kohn from Pa`ina Hawaii is proposing an irradiation solution. Check out his website for his perspective on irradiation. Also Kayla Rosenfeld of HPR produced this news piece on the project.
  4. UH Mānoa oceanographers examine mercury levels of pelagic fish in Hawaii

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