Episode 390: Okeanos Explorer Expedition – Feb 17, 2016

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Daniel Wagner, Jonathan Tree, Cindy Matsuki, Ryan Ozawa

First up today, we hear about a couple of upcoming events. Carolyn Gerin joins us by phone to tell us about the Maui Wed Tech Summit. Then Cindy Matsuki from HTDC returns to tell us about the next Wetware Wednesday, and Ben Nelson joins us by phone to to tell us about the AT&T Hackathon. Finally, we’ll explore the Northwest Hawaiian Islands in the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument with Daniel Wagner and Jonathan Tree, two of the researchers who will travel on the NOAA vessel Okeanos Explorer.

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Episode 361: NOAA Okeanos and Box Jelly/Sting No More – July 29, 2015


In this hour, we’ll first hear about the upcoming Okeanos Explorer deep sea expedition to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument with Christopher Kelley and Daniel Wagner. Then after the break, we’ll hear from Angel Yanagihara and Mimi Pezzuto about jelly fish research, commercializing university IP, Sting No More and bringing a new cream that offers relief from painful stings to market.

Photo: Burt Lum, Daniel Wagner, Chris Kelly, Toni Parras, Angel Yanagihara, Ryan Ozawa (l:r)

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