Episode 821: Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link redux – May 22, 2024

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Cliff Miyake

On todayʻs show we reprise a conversation we did with Cliff Miyake, Vice President of Business Development at Ocean Networks to find out about the US Treasury funded Interisland fiber announcement called Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link (HIFL).

Episode 821: Hawaiian Islands Fiber Link redux – May 22, 2024

Episode 758: Hawaii’s Undersea Fiber Backbone Redux – March 8, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Cliff Miyake

This week we reprise our conversation about what enables the Internet in Hawaii. I welcome from Cliff Miyake, VP of Business Development from Ocean Networks, here to talk about a recent contract to design key strategic infrastructure for enabling Hawaii’s internet.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher

Episode 758: Hawaii’s Undersea Fiber Backbone Redux – March 8, 2023

Episode 720: Hawaii’s Undersea Fiber Backbone – June 15, 2022

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Cliff Miyake

This week weʻll jump right into our conversation about what enables the Internet in Hawaii. I welcome from Cliff Miyake, VP of Business Development from Ocean Networks, here to talk about a recent contract to design key strategic infrastructure for enabling Hawaii’s internet.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher

Episode 720: Hawaii’s Undersea Fiber Backbone – June 15, 2022