Before we get to our show guests, I want to let you know about an upcoming webinar. ThinkTech Hawaii’s hosting a free webinar called BEYOND UKRAINE, BURNING GLOBAL ISSUES on some of the burning issues in six continents around the world. This webinar is scheduled for 10:00 am Hawaii time April 1, 2022. Register at
Next we have Leilani Farinas, Exec Director of the TRUE Initiative along with Trisha Goya, Director, IT Client Services and Ailin John, Senior Manager, IT Client Solutions, both from HMSA, to tell us about an upcoming event coming up on March 31st, called Achieving Data Accuracy, Agility and Speed Through Workflow Automation.
Then, we are joined by Todd Robertson, President & CEO of Hyperspective, learn about the metaverse and what it means to content creators here in Hawaii.
If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!