Episode 587: UH Breakthrough Innovation + IEEE in Hawaii – Nov 27, 2019

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Arif Rahman, Kareen Elassy, Isar Mostafanezhad

First up, we have Kareem Elassy and Arif Rahman here to tell us about their company Hawaii Innovation Lab and the recent UH PACE Breakthrough Innovation Challenge. Then, we are joined by Dr. Isar Mostafanezhad and Dr. Rob Fish (on the phone) to tell us about IEEE and their activities in Hawaii including GlobeCom 2019 and ComFutures 2020.

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Episode 568: Blue Startups Demo Day, IEEE DL Lectures and Agriculture Initiatives – July 17, 2019

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Sharon Hurd, Chenoa Farnsworth, Steven Minakami

We’ve got a full load today, Chenoa Farnsworth from Blue Startups joins us to give us the details on the Cohort 11 demo day. Then Steven Minakami from the IEEE tells us about the upcoming Distinguished Lecturer event on the topic of 5G. Right after our break, we have Sharon Hurd from the Department of Agriculture join us to talk about agriculture in Hawaii and the upcoming Western Area State Department of Agriculture conference.

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Episode 534: @XLR8UH and Blockchain for Agriculture – Nov 21, 2018

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Omar Sultan, Axel Hollanda

Happy Thanksgiving! First, we hear from Omar Sultan, partner at Sultan Ventures to talk about the next XLR8UH cohort 6 open application. The deadline for submitting your application is extended to Monday, November 26.

Then, Omar joins Axel Hollanda from Smart Yields to discuss the opportunity leverage blockchain in agriculture. We also talk about the upcoming IEEE Blockchain for Agriculture Forum. Sign up with these promo codes and get a great discount: FARM18 and YP2018.

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