Episode 702: Pathway 2 Purpose + TRUE Initiative & ClimbHi – Feb 9, 2022

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Mary Wenstrom, Ian Kitajima, Leilani Farinas, Julie Morikawa

First up, I invited Mary Wenstrom from the Hawaii Technology Academy and Ian Kitajima from Oceanit on the show to talk about Pathway to Purpose and the Pilina Education Alliance.

Then, we are joined by Leilani Farinas, the new Executive Director of the TRUE Initiative and Julie Morikawa, President of ClimbHI, here to tell us about their partnership and the TRUE Initiative in 2022.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 702: Pathway 2 Purpose + TRUE Initiative & ClimbHi – Feb 9, 2022

Episode 582: Climathon + Education Bridge – Oct 23, 2019

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Keala Peters, Nicole Chatterson, Steve Petranik

First off, I want to let you know this Friday, October 25th, HVCA will have its next Breakfast Panel called Hawaii’s Investments in Venture Capital. The panel consists of fund managers from the HiTIP II Fund, Hawaii Employees Retirement System’s venture capital focused fund, who will discuss what new technologies they are investing in and why.

Then we have Nicole Chatterson from Zero Waste Oahu here to tell us about the upcoming climate change hackathon called Climathon.

Finally Steve Petranik from Hawaii Business and Keala Peters from the Chamber of Commerce join us to tell us about several projects to connect education to business including the ClimbHI Bridge. Please email info@climbhi.org for more info.

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