Episode 773: Biggest Little Air Show + Mana Up Cohort 8 Redux – June 21, 2023

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Elissa Lines, Meli James, Gina Ho, Ola Tripp

We reprise a show we did with Elissa Lines from the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum to tell us about their upcoming Biggest Little Air Show event.

Then, we are joined by Meli James, co-founder of Mana Up, whoʻs brought a couple of companies, Gina Ho from Hawaiian Soda Co & Ola Tripp fromLiquid Life Hawaii, with her to talk about their startups, Cohort 8 and the Mana Up Accelerator.

If you missed us live, you can always catch us on the HPR websiteGoogle PodcastsiTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 773: Biggest Little Air Show + Mana Up Cohort 8 Redux – June 21, 2023