Episode 375: XLR8UH Cohort #3 – Nov 4, 2015


Starting us off this hour, David Aquino from Blue Planet Foundation is here to talk about the Student Energy Summit. Then we have Representative Takashi Ohno here to tell us about the Hawaii Next 50 Contest. Finally, joining us today are: Luke Tucker, Bianca Tubolino and Jonathan Gradie. Luke is a Venture Associate at Sultan Ventures and leads operations for the XLR8UH accelerator. Bianca is co-founder of JetSet ESL and Jonathan is the co-founder of DeSal Survival both companies are part of the latest XLR8UH co-hort.

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Rep. Takashi Ohno, Joseph Pak, Bianca Tubolino, Jonathan Gradie, David Aquino, Luke Tucker, Ryan Ozawa

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