Episode 263: Common Core Standards – Aug 28, 2013


First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us today is Matt Lynch from TEDxHonolulu to tell us about the upcoming TEDxHonoluluSalon. Finally, we learn about the Dept of Education’s Common Core Standards with Stephanie Shipton and Petra Schatz and find out what it means for technology and media literacy. (Also in photo is Donalyn Dela Cruz)

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Episode 262: Monk Seal Cams – Aug 21, 2013


First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us today is Tate Kaneshige from the Girl Scouts of Hawaii to tell us about the International Space Station Project. Finally, we find out how scientists are using technology to understand the habits and behavior of monk seals. We are joined by Charles Littnan from NOAA who is the lead research for the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program and Kenady Wilson, whose PhD. research at Duke University is on monk seal behavior.

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Episode 261: Asteroid Hunting – Aug 14, 2013

August 14, 2013 by Bytemarkscafe on Mixcloud

Today in the news, we’ll hear from the Uber team as they prepare for the official launch of their on-demand black car service here in Honolulu. Then joining us today is Mary Donohue from the UH Sea Grant Extension to tell us about the upcoming Rainwater Catchment Workshop. Finally, we talk to former astronaut Ed Lu and astronomer Rob Jedicke about scanning the skies for asteroids, especially the ones on a close encounter collision course with Earth. You can also sign up for Ed’s talk tomorrow (8/15/13) here.


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Episode 260: Virtual Reality – Aug 7, 2013



First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us today is Todd Ogasawara from DCCA to tell us about the Hawaii Broadband Map Campaign. Finally, we talk to two VR enthusiasts, Ka’i Kau and Emil Reyes, to find out about new advances and the practical applications of virtual reality. We’ll also get to demo Oculus Rift.

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