Episode 658: Online Learning and IT at the DOE – April 7, 2021

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Brook Conner

During this special fund drive edition, we have Brook Conner CIO at the Dept of Education, here to tell us about blend learning, tech in education and lessons learned during the pandemic.

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Episode 658: Online Learning and IT at the DOE – April 7, 2021

Episode 620: Kipuka Innovation Competition + KauaÊ»i Education Technology Pilot – July 15, 2020

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Alec Wagner, Ron Kouchi, Paul Zina

First up we have Alec Wagner, here to tell us about Purple Prize and the Kipuka Innovation Competition. Then we’re joined by Senate President Ron Kouchi and DOE Complex Area Superintendent Paul Zina to talk about the KauaÊ»i Education Technology Pilot.

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Episode 507: DOE Strategic Tech Plan – May 16, 2018

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Meli James, Brook Conner, Ryan Ozawa

First, we hear from Meli James about the upcoming HVCA Luncheon on blockchain and cryptocurrency. Then we talk to Brook Conner, the Chief Information Officer at the Dept of Education to learn about their 2018 Technology Strategic Plan and key IT initiatives.

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Episode 378: Live, Learn, Work, Play – Nov 25, 2015


We’ll kick off the show with a couple of news guests. Nader Haghighipour an astronomer from the Institute for Astronomy will tell us about an Extreme Solar System Conference happening this weekend. Then Rachel Hoerman is here to tell us about an American Association of University Women (AAUW) scholarship for women going into STEM fields. Finally, after the break, we’ll spend the rest of the hour talking with Hawaii Dept of Education Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi and Sen Donovan Dela Cruz about a regional approach to STEM called “Live, Learn, Work & Play.”

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Nader Haghighipour, Rachel Hoerman, Kathy Matayoshi, Donovan Dela Cruz, Ryan Ozawa

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Episode 263: Common Core Standards – Aug 28, 2013


First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us today is Matt Lynch from TEDxHonolulu to tell us about the upcoming TEDxHonoluluSalon. Finally, we learn about the Dept of Education’s Common Core Standards with Stephanie Shipton and Petra Schatz and find out what it means for technology and media literacy. (Also in photo is Donalyn Dela Cruz)

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Episode 162: STEM in Hawaii – Sept 21, 2011

First we’ll look at the latest tech news and happenings in Hawaii and beyond. Then joining us today is Karl Fooks from the Hawaii Strategic Development Corp. to tell us about the upcoming Hawaii Venture Capital Summit. Finally, we’ll talk to DOE representatives Keith Hayashi, Principal at Waipahu High School and Derek Minakami Vice Principal at Kahalu’u Elementary about STEM, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in the schools and what the State plans to do to coordinate the effort.

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