Episode 606: TCC 2020 & Securing your Remote Workforce – April 8, 2020

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Bert Kimura, Jodi Ito, Ryan Field

First up, if you’re interested or are curious about artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Aloha AI training is just for you. Here is a series of 3 one hour workshops.

  • Workshop 1 – April 9, 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Workshop 2 – April 17, 9:30am to 10:30pm. Introduction to the Aloha AI Network
  • Workshop 3 – April 24, 9:30am to 10:30pm . Dashboard Training

To request an invite: info@oceanit.com

Then we have Bert Kimura from UH who joins us to talk about the online conference: Technology, Colleges and Community or TCC 2020.

Finally, we’re joined by Jodi Ito, Chief Information Security Officer from UH and Ryan Field, Chief Information Security Officer from American Savings Bank to talk about securing your workforce in this new reality of remote work and shelter in place. You can find security resources here: https://www.cyberhawaii.org/resources/

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Episode 341: TCC Online Conference – Mar 11, 2015


First we’ll cover some local science and tech stories, we’ll speak with Franklin Allaire about the upcoming Science Olympiad. Then we’ll have Ken Hensarling join us from Hawaiian Telcom to tell us about the annual HT University. Finally, we’ll learn about the 20th anniversary of Teaching, Colleges and Community, TCC 2015 an online conference about education technology from its organizers, Bert Kimura and Curtis Ho as well as PhD candidate Frank Jumawan.

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