On todayʻs show we talk with Leslie Wilkins from MEDB and Chelsea Kau and Kalila Phillips, both STEMWorks alum, about the annual Hawaii STEM Conference.
Tag: STEM Conference
Episode 556: Cyber Hui and STEM Conference

First up, Jake Ross joins us to talk about the upcoming Cyber Hui event to recognize top student performers in the Cyber Patriot competition. Then we have Doug Harper from Malama Maunalua and Mark Loughridge to tell us about three hackathon events for students happening at the next STEM Conference.
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Episode 500: STEM Conference & #HACC4Edu – March 28, 2018
First, we hear about a couple of upcoming events. Nate Lim is here to tell us about a Machine Learning competition starting this Friday, April 30th, and Rosie Alegado joins us by phone to talk about the SMART Ala Wai project workshop. Then we learn about one of the largest STEM conferences held in Hawaii, which outgrew its home on Maui and, for the last two years has be held at the Hawaii Convention Center. In conjunction with the STEM Conference we’ve organized a 24hr hackathon for high school called HACC4Edu.