On this Day 8 of Hawaii Public Radio’s Challenge 2012, the goal was to end the pledge drive within the 8 day target. Given the focus and sustained energy of the staff, this looked like a strong possibility, trimming 2 full days off the previous 10 day pledge drives. Without knowing the exact time the pledge drive would end, we did not schedule a regular guest on the show. Instead we opted to try something brand new. Ryan suggested we open the phone lines up to our listeners. We wanted to encourage an unrehearsed, spontaneous conversation with whoever called. They could ask us a question, share an event or tell us about a project. Anything goes. Tara Coomans from Akamai-Marketing and Social Media Club Hawaii was our more that capable guest, who we originally planned to have on the mic at pledge central, helping us call out for pledges. Here is the recording of what was in my opinion a really fun and freeform conversation, a format we call radio improv and hope to repeat in future select episodes.