First up, the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo’s Department of Physics and Astronomy is seeking a location for its new educational telescope to replace the one that was housed in its Maunakea Summit observatory. The new telescope will be used by students for training in modern astronomical observing techniques, developing skills in scientific research, as well as for communicating science to the general public. There is a virtual open house and UH Hilo Educational Telescope at Hale Pohaku is seeking your comments.
Then, we welcome Brian Dote, independent app developer and innovator, here to tell us about a new app for gig workers he and his partners have launched called Gigerati.
Next we welcome Denise Yamaguchi CEO and Founder of the Hawai‘i Ag & Culinary Alliance (dba, Hawai‘i Food & Wine Festival), Jason Higa, Chief Executive Officer at Zippy’s and Scott Murakami, Economic Development Coordinator from DBEDT, to talk about a remote work initiative called the Temporary Resident Concept.
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