First up, I want to let you know about the Spring break Altino Coding training for teachers. There are two 3-day 3-credit introduction to coding workshop for teachers, during spring break starting March 16 for the Campbell Kapolei Complex and Maui Complex starting March 19th. There are only 30 seats per 3 day training. Teacher can take the class for 3 credits. They can sign up via the Dept of Education’s professional development PDE3 website – search for “Altino”. Mahalo to sponsors Kamehameha Schools, Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation, Toyota Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii legislature so teachers can attend for only $25 for a 3-day 3-credit class. Sign up here before it fills up.
Then, Meli James from the Hawaii Venture Capital Association joins us to tell us about the upcoming HVCA Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Finally, we’re joined by Alec Wagner from Purple Prize and Manu Mei-Singh from Purple MaiÊ»a, to talk about Ka Maka Ê»Inana, Purple Prize Application 2020 and Indigenous Innovation. Stay tuned to the Purple MaiÊ»a Instagram for updates on youth JavaScript Class and for the Purple MaiÊ»a Summer Programs: instagram.com/purple_maia/
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