First up I want to let you know about this quick news item, coming up tomorrow, Oct 10th, is an IfA talk about the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration which recently obtained the first image of a black hole. Dr. Geoffrey Bower will describe the science and technology behind this discovery, including what it tells us about Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The black hole has been given the Hawaiian name PÅwehi in recognition of the pioneering role of Maunakea telescopes – the Submillimeter Array and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
Then we have Sandra Fujiyama from the Office of Innovation and Commercialization and Meli James from Mana Up here to tell us about the Future Focus Conference. Last but not least, we are joined by Thelma Alane, and Donna Scannell from Kaiser Permanente to talk about the upcoming Hawaii Annual Code Challenge.
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