First up, we talk about the Mark Leon VEX Robotics Invitational which will be held on July 15-18, 2019 at St. Louis School. The event is organized and hosted by the St. Louis Robotics program and designed as an official Robotics Education and Competition Foundation Signature event. It will directly qualify 3 teams to the VEX World Championships in April 2020. The event will feature 50 teams including those from Hawaii, China, Colombia, California, Texas, Minnesota, and Connecticut playing the new game challenges, VEX IQ Squared Away and the VEX EDR Tower Takeover.
Then Sam Gon III, Senior Scientist from the Nature Conservancy tells us about the upcoming HawaiÊ»i Conservation Conference. We round out the show with Doug Murdock the State’s CIO and Christine Sakuda from Transform Hawaii Government who join us to tell us about the IT Strategic Plan.
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