Today the spotlight is on our guests, as we’ll jump right into conversations with a couple of special news guests. On the local front, Jonas Vibell and Blake Burris will first tell us about the upcoming Reboot the Commute app challenge. Then Jyotika Virmani, Director of Technical Operations for the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE, will tell us about the contest, and its finalists. Finally, we will explore the scientific potential of the Thirty Meter Telescope, IfA astronomers Roy Gal and Jessica Lu and TMT Board member Mike Bolte. What is the legacy of Hawaii astronomy, and what will the TMT add to our knowledge of the universe?
Additional Links:
- Energy Excelerator
- Reboot the Commute ChallengePost
- HVCA – The State of Venture Capital Industry
- Startup Paradise Demo Day
- Mauankea & TMT
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Could you make a comparison between the TMT and the LSST? Mahalo.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the LSST?
Toni – the LSST is a survey telescope, designed to take only pictures of the sky, and being in Chile it is the sky visible from the southern hemisphere. You can think of it as the equivalent of a satellite making a map of the earth, but instead a telescope is making a map of the sky. The TMT takes much more detailed images but especially other kinds of data (spectra – see for a simple overview) that is like making a detailed map of individual buildings, what they are made of, and how they work. They are totally complementary and the telescopes are designed very differently for these separate purposes.